Swim Mechanix is a Royal Life Saving endorsed swim school operating from the indoor pools at St Brigid’s College.
Delivering Swim & Survive stages 1-15 in term based and holiday programs, we have RLSSWA trainers on staff to deliver Bronze Medallion and Swim Teacher courses and assessments in the July & January school holidays.
Additional programs include Junior Lifeguard Club, Seniors Swim & Survive as well as delivering Heartbeat Club and Aqua Skills courses.
A Swim Teacher training hub, we endeavor to develop knowledgeable and ready to work swim teachers by providing well rounded guidance and information about delivering the Swim & Survive curriculum to our learners of all ages.
When booking a group class for a term or holiday program, participants will receive an extra class token to use for an additional lesson during the dates of service.
Parents must create an account at http://www.swimmechanix.com.au adding the swimmer’s details to the Student portal. Use the filters to find the right Stage level and request the booking adding a comment “KCC member referrals and deals”.
1. Additional class must be used within the program enrolment dates.
2. Same teacher may not be available for additional class.
3. Additional class cannot be transferred or refunded for credit.